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Per la documentazione scientifica, stampe speciali e case report sui prodotti BioHorizons Camlog vedere sotto. Si ricorda che tutte le ristampe e le immagini sono protette da copyright. Ogni uso che esuli dai limiti consentiti dalla legge sul copyright non è consentito senza l'autorizzazione espressa dell'editore e degli autori.

Case report
Gómez Meda R., Spain

Successful immediate loading of a PROGRESSIVE-LINE implant with Guided Surgery and Socket Shield Technique
Case report 03/2021

Case report
Casas T., France

Digital efficiency for the benefit of patients transforming your workflow with PROGRESSIV-LINE
Case report 01/2021

Case report
Tabuenca Huerta J., Spain

Low invasiveness with CAMLOG® PROGRESSIVE-LINE even in low bone density and low bone height
Case report 01/2021

Case report
Casas T., France

Digital workflow in Implantology. Planning of implant prosthetics,
extraction, implantation and provisionalisation for a fractured tooth
Case report 10/2020

Case report
Scaringi R., Viera D. & Nannelli M., Italy

Ceramic implants: an alternative or a primary choice? Clinical aspects and operating procedures
Case report 09/2020

Case report
Hermann F. M.Sc., Germany

Efficient and tissue-friendly restauration with platform switched CAMLOG® Ti Base CAD/CAM PS
Case report 05/2020

Case report
Hammächer C., Germany

Immediate implantation in the aesthetically challenging region
Case report 01/2019
X.J7237.03/2019 Rev.00

Case report
Steidl F., Schuldes S.

Steidl F, Schuldes S.
Immediate restoration of an upper jaw with four implants using the COMFOUR® System. Special issue: Partner Magazine logo (36).
CAMLOG Case report 04/2016

Case report
Finotti M.

Prosthetic rehabilitation with bimaxillary implant-supported fixed dental prostheses using the CAMLOG Vario SR System
CAMLOG case report 2013

Case report
Happe A, Nolte A.

Immediate Iimplantation and full-ceramic restoration in the maxillary anterior region
CONELOG Case Report 2013