Scienza e pratica

Per la documentazione scientifica, stampe speciali e case report sui prodotti BioHorizons Camlog vedere sotto. Si ricorda che tutte le ristampe e le immagini sono protette da copyright. Ogni uso che esuli dai limiti consentiti dalla legge sul copyright non è consentito senza l'autorizzazione espressa dell'editore e degli autori.

Ozkan Y. et al.

Three-year treatment outcomes
Study Summary 2007

Stampe speciali
Gómez Meda R., Spain

Successful immediate implant loading – According to the Socket Shield Technique
Case report 02/2021

Stampe speciali
Ruppin J.-M.

One-year clinical experience with Progressive-Line implants
EDI Journal 2020, Teamwork Media

Stampe speciali
Conserva E.

Initial stability after placement of a new buttress-threaded implant
implants journal 2019

Stampe speciali
Ulrici et al.

Retrospective analysis of cases treated with iSy Implants in three dental practices: one-year follow-up
ZZI 2015

Stampe speciali
Becker J. et al.

Preservation of crestal bone level at non-submerged CAMLOG titanium implants with standard or platform switched confi guration
2009, CAMLOG

Stampe speciali
Kirsch A. et al.

Implant Placement and Immediate Final Rehabilitation
EDI Journal 2009, Teamwork Media

Stampe speciali
Masur R. et al.

Functional Evaluation of Screw Implants in Combination with Reduced-diameter Abutments
EDI Journal 2009, Teamwork Media

Stampe speciali
Cacaci C.

Augmentation Techniques – the Basis of Aesthetic Success in Implant Dentistry
EDI Journal, Teamwork Media

Case report
Conserva E., Italy

Immediate implant placement in compromised posterior maxillary region with CONELOG® PROGRESSIVE-LINE
Case report 09/2021