Scienza e pratica
Per la documentazione scientifica, stampe speciali e case report sui prodotti BioHorizons Camlog vedere sotto. Si ricorda che tutte le ristampe e le immagini sono protette da copyright. Ogni uso che esuli dai limiti consentiti dalla legge sul copyright non è consentito senza l'autorizzazione espressa dell'editore e degli autori.
Rehabilitation in the esthetic zone
CONELOG Case report 2012
Oral rehablilitation with CAMLOG Implants after loss of dentition due to an accident
CAMLOG Case report 2011
Replacement of a single front tooth, surgical procedure and three-year result
CAMLOG Case report 2011
Another string to our bow, for prostheses on implants: the CAMLOG VARIO SR abutment
CAMLOG Case report 2011
Fullarch reconstuction of the edentulous maxilla with the CAMLOG GUIDE SYSTEM
CAMLOG Case report 2011
The esthetic zone, rehabilitation of an edentulous space in an upper jaw front with pronounced transversal atrophy of the alveolar process using single crowns on CAMLOG implants
CAMLOG Case report 2010
The early abutment technique, combination of optimum tissue retention with maximum patient comfort
CAMLOG Case report 2010
Implant replacement of a fracurated incisor, management of a complex esthetic situation using CAMLOG SCREW-LINE implants
CAMLOG Case report 2010
Minimally invasive immediate implantation in region 22, using a combined soft-tissue graft
CAMLOG Case report 2010
Interdisciplinary treatment planning single-tooth restorations in the esthetic zone
CAMLOG Case report 2010